Seema Goel

19 Years
Master’s in Food & Nutrition, Lady Irwin College


Seema has worked with PGI Chandigarh and has counselled 10,000+ diabetic patients. She is also a regular columnist in with Hindustan Times, The Tribune, Times Of India, Chandigarh and Jaipur edition.

Use this tool to Check your Diabetes Risk Score within just 2 mins by answering a few simple questions

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Question 1/11

How old are you?

Check Your Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Less Than 1 Minute!

How Does it Works?
  • Based upon your inputs, it recognize your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Get personalized diet and fitness program from Diabetes Experts.

Powered By American Diabetes Association

Diabetes Risk Calculator

Diabetes Risk Calculator help you to estimate your risk of developing type 2 diabetes over a period of time.

You just need to give your inputs as per the questions asked. Based upon your input type Diabetes Risk Calculator determine the risk.

Frequently Asked

For all additional questions, please feel free to contact us!

Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. Diabetes is classified into three types: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common of the three because it is a lifestyle disorder rather than a disease. A few parameters for diabetes risk assessment include gender, age, BMI, ethnicity, family history of diabetes, fasting blood glucose, systolic blood pressure, and HDL cholesterol. The diabetes calculator analyses your diabetes score to predict your risk of diabetes. A diabetes risk score is a simple, dependable, quick, and low-cost method of determining diabetes risk. There are two types of diabetes life expectancy calculators: type 2 diabetes life expectancy calculator and type 1 diabetes life expectancy calculator. They both influence the likelihood of developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

  • These diabetes scores are divided into three categories (Out of 100)
  • Low Diabetes Risk: Less than 30
  • Moderate Diabetes Risk: 30-50
  • High Diabetes Risk: Over 60
  • You can easily take this test at home with a few authentic diabetes risk calculators available online.

Diabetes is predicted using simple parameters such as age, abdominal obesity or waist circumference, diabetes family history, and physical activity. The best diabetes risk score is less than 30 out of 100. If a person's diabetes risk score falls within this range, he or she is not at risk of developing any type of diabetes.

If you have a high risk of diabetes, you should begin monitoring your sugar levels. To keep blood sugar levels low in type 1 diabetes, doctors may prescribe medications and, in some cases, insulin. You can help type 2 diabetics by exercising, increasing physical activity, eating a healthy diet with low-carbs and low-calories, and losing weight. These steps can be taken to reduce the risk of diabetes and its complications in both types of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that is considered not curable. But it is found through clinical studies that the condition in some patients can be reversed. Yes, Diabetes can be reversed. The glucose levels can go to normal and insulin sensitivity can be improved. This is known as diabetes reversal. Reversal of diabetes is a condition when the patient is not taking diabetes medicine and simultaneously there is a significant improvement for a longer time in insulin sensitivity and the HbA1c levels are below 42mmol/mol i.e. 6% [2]. This condition is possible through the collective effect of exercise, lifestyle change, diet plan, and medicinal support. Enhancing insulin sensitivity, maintaining HbA1c levels below 6% without diabetes medicines, a sign of -Diabetes reversal.

Prediabetes reversal varies from person to person. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to several years. This is a continuous process that is dependent on lifestyle changes. You can lower your HbA1C and blood sugar levels by eating a healthy diet and exercising. This can be maintained and stopped at an early stage in the development of type 2 diabetes. The typical window of opportunity for reversing prediabetes is 2-6 years.

Question 2/11

What is your gender?


Question 3/11

Your BMI :

ft in

Question 4/11

Your BMI : 28.5 (OverWeight)

Do you exercise?

I exercise Regularly
Once or twice a Week
A few times a Month
I Hardly Exercise

Question 5/11

Your BMI : 28.5 (OverWeight)

How often do you eat out?

Once or twice a week
A few times a month
I hardly eat out

Question 6/11

Your BMI : 28.5 (OverWeight)

Have you been stressed lately?


Question 7/11

Your BMI : 28.5 (Overweight)

Are you Diabetic?

I don’t know

Question 8/11

Your BMI : 28.5 (OverWeight)

How long have you been Diabetic?

Question 9/11

Your BMI : 28.5 (OverWeight)

What was your last HbA1c?

Question 10/11

Your BMI : 28.5 (OverWeight)

Do you take any Medicines?


Question 11/11

Your BMI : 28.5 (Overweight)

Are you on Insulin?


Question 8/9

Your BMI : 28.5 (Overweight)

Have you contracted COVID?


Question 9/9

Your BMI : 28.5 (Overweight)

Is there a history of Diabetes in the family?

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